Monday, August 1, 2011

Most important factor to flawless skin...

Many people are on the search to flawless smooth skin.... We now have so many cremes and formulas for quick result "Perfect Skin"... I can say I have tried so many products; I've tried homemade bar soaps, skin cremes, eggs and other facial remedies... I can tell you it was money lost...Their is a very important factor that some forget that should be done daily .......

Have you ever heard the saying "you are what you eat"...this is a true and a powerful statement...I do believe everything should be done in moderation, but you must take in consideration when a pimple appears from no where... what has your diet intake been for the day ??... Caffeine, food with high acid levels, over-kill in salts and fats, are all examples of an improper diet can ruin your journey to flawless skin...we should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for the nutrients

Not only that but  the most important thing we can do for our skin is to drink WATER, H2O & plenty of it at least 6.3cups a day or 1.9 liters per Mayo Clinic... water is essential  to our bodies its a flusher or a flushes toxins out of our also helps carry the nutrients to the proper organs.SO if we do choose to indulge in food that is not the best choice water will help move things along in our digestive system...if do not like water try drinking it for will begin to grow on you ....if you can stick to it for a course of 30days it will become a lifestyle ...

Inbox me if you have questions, I hope this helps someone!!

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